Ashai Trust is a Kashmir based sister organization of Kashmir Foundation of America.

The Trust offers education scholarships to students from Kashmir and provides financial support for competitive graduate tests (i.e. GRE and TOEFL), which enables students to get into graduate programs (MA & PHD) in foreign universities.

Khwaja Ghulam Ahmad Ashai, (1895-1964), is considered an eminent educationist. Appointed as the Special Officer in 1948, he established the Jammu and Kashmir University. He remained as the Registrar and the Chief Executive of the University from 1948 to 1953.

Mr. Ashai was the first Muslim from Kashmir who received university level education. He held a Bachelor of Arts with first class distinction, a Bachelor of Teaching and a Master of Oriental languages Degree from Punjab University. He also held a Master of Arts Degree in Persian Language from Calcutta University and was a Chancellor’s Gold Medal recipient.

Ashai Trust partners include: Kashmir Education Initiative (KEI), HELP Foundation & Masakeen Trust.

Ashai Trust is a public charitable trust (J&K Registration # B 817635) established for the advancement of education in Kashmir.